Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Koopa Kids Are Alright Part 2: The Punks

The expose continues with the other half of Bowser’s broods not featured, “The Punks.” The following Koopalings are easily the bad boys (and girl) of the bunch, taking their names from some rather ubiquitous punks. Well, mostly.

Wendy O. Koopa/Wendy O. Williams

Wendy O. Koopa takes her name from punk goddess Wendy O. Williams, lead singer of The Plasmastics. Wendy O. Koopa is portrayed as very bratty, spoiled, and perhaps most of all, very materialistic. This is yet another case of a koopa not resembling her human counterpart. What I’m most curious about is what the “O” stands for. My guess? Onasis.

Larry Koopa/Larry Mullen Jr.

Larry Koopa may be the blandest koopa in the group. He’s named after U2 drummer Larry Mullen Jr. Not much is known about Larry other than the fact that he’s less talented and less athletic than his siblings. To name this lackluster koopa after a very talented musician is rather insulting. I propose a name change: Chad Kroger Koopa.

Roy Koopa/Roy Orbison

This one was the biggest surprise to me. Roy Koopa takes his name from rockabilly legend Roy Orbison. Roy Koopa is known for being a bully, which seems a little redundant considering he’s already a bad guy. The big sunglasses are the only Roy Koopa shares with Orbison. I just can’t imagine Roy Orbison wearing that much pink.

Iggy Koopa/Iggy Pop

An inspiration almost as obvious as Ludwig von Koopa, Iggy Koopa takes his name from Stooge’s front man and punk rock innovator Iggy Pop. Super Mario World dictates that Iggy Koopa is “demented” and is usually the most energetic and maniacal Koopa of the family.  Who can forget the giggle ridden boss battle from New Super Mario Bros. Wii? Iggy Koopa is probably the most similar to his human counterpart, seeing as Iggy Pop is primarily known for his larky stage performances. Also, both of these gentlemen are usually seen without a shirt.

Have you read Part 1: "The Loudmouths?"

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