Sunday, August 19, 2012

3DS XL Review "Makes the Original Look like a Prototype"

The 3DS XL, Closed

Is bigger always better? I know starting off a review with a cliché is a faux pas, but the short answer to this question is "sometimes."
Before I talk about the 3DS XL, I should talk about the Nintendo’s first stab at super sizing: the DSi XL. I adored the DSi XL. The “distinguished” colors, the matt finish, and of course the massive screen. Some people though the pixilation was shoddy, but I didn’t see a problem. When I traded it in for a 3DS you can bet I was snacking on some serious sour grapes. Not to say the 3DS is a not as good as the DSi XL, but there was plenty that I missed when I traded it in.

Remember playing the original DS Phat? Looking at it now, it feels like it was probably a prototype. The DS Lite improved greatly on the rather ugly, albeit durable DS Phat. The transition from DS Phat to DS Lite is very similar to the transition I made today.
3DS XL, Open

Perhaps that’s the nature of all upgrades, but I can’t sing the praises for the 3DS XL enough. When I first unwrapped it, I nearly wailed when my fingers felt matte finish on the screen and body of the system. I understand some people like shiny things, but I prefer my things not get smudged with fingerprints. Transfering data went smoother than I thought. I didn’t want to lose my Ambassador Games. It was quick, and relatively painless. 

The pixilation with games wasn’t noticed by me. I’m sure there were some improvements from the original XL. Where the flaws did show up was when I tried using the Netflix app. It ran okay, but the video was a little rough around the edges. Watching an episode of Star Trek The Next Generation left me kind of blue. Commander Riker’s red command uniform would become checkerboard around his shoulders. And the show isn’t even in HD.

Many reviewers lamented the absence of a second circle pad. I am not one of them. The system feels a little more comfortable than it’s predecessor, I’ve been playing it all day with little discomfort. I don't know where they could have placed the other pad while not sacrificing comfort. 

One gripe: The volume control is still on the left, and not on the bottom where it belongs. I kept accidently turning up the volume playing Mario Kart 7. Something else I noticed: The battery lasts long. I’ve only charged ¾ of the way, but have been playing for hours with it going into the red. The extra battery life is so great I don’t even miss my 3DS charging stand.

Last Words
The 3DS XL, with it’s matte finish, it’s extended battery life, and it’s massive screens makes the 3DS feel like a prototype. A great value for newcomers and upgraders alike. 

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