Sunday, August 26, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Songs to Boss By: Excellent Themes You've Probably Never Heard

What makes an excellent boss theme? If you ask me, all you really need is a sense of urgency. I mean you’re no longer taking on rank and file Waddle Dees or Koopa Troopas. No, you’re facing the big boys now and the music that accompanies the kerfuffle should be raucous, fast, and perhaps most of all, catchy. Here are a few excellent boss themes you may have (or may have not) missed.
 Banson’s Aria – Henry Hatsworth and the Puzzling Adventure

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Koopa Kids Are Alright Part 2: The Punks

The expose continues with the other half of Bowser’s broods not featured, “The Punks.” The following Koopalings are easily the bad boys (and girl) of the bunch, taking their names from some rather ubiquitous punks. Well, mostly.

The Koopa Kids Are Alright Part 1: "The Loud Mouths"

Whatever your opinion is on the New Super Mario Bros. series, I think we can all agree on one thing: the Koopalings are infinitely better than Bowser Jr. I hope Nintendo will stop shoving that loathsome child down our throats. The Koopalings  have lots more character, perhaps because they’re all based on real people. The following is part one of the inspiration behind the members of everyone’s favorite (and only) koopa clan. First, the “Loud Mouths.”

Sunday, August 19, 2012

New Super Mario Bros. 2 Review "Imperfect, but still golden"

The new Gold standard?

Before I review the game, there’s one question I’d like to pose to Nintendo: can we stop calling it New Super Mario Bros. after 3 games?

3DS XL Review "Makes the Original Look like a Prototype"

The 3DS XL, Closed

Is bigger always better? I know starting off a review with a cliché is a faux pas, but the short answer to this question is "sometimes."

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